Location:  Gulin District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, China

Client:  Luzhou County Government, Sichuan

For more than two hundred years, the HuangJing Forest has been a protected jewel of China. Designated as an “Emperor’s Mountain” in 1776 by the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong, this unique broadleaf forest was preserved in pristine condition. Today, the HuangJing Forest region of Chishui is an important component of China’s bio-diversity and has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the world’s natural treasures. The HuangJing Forest covers 433 km² (167 square miles) and features striking karst topography, the Eight Steps Waterfall, LongZhua Lake and HongLong Lake.

The goal of the master plan is to increase public tourism and recreational opportunities in the forest without compromising its delicate ecology. The plan establishes a measured development strategy to create an appropriate balance of tourist contact and forest preservation, so that HuangJing can become a popular regional destination for discerning tourists while maintaining its pristine character for future generations.

Key research areas included:

  1. Feasibility study for HuangJing’s potential tourism market
  2. Establishment of vision, goals and principles to guide development, based on existing conditions and case studies
  3. Proposal of management zones for preservation, restoration and tourism related development
  4. Recommendations for improvements to the road system for cars, bikes and pedestrians
  5. Recommendations for enhancing HuangJing Forest’s regional accessibility
  6. Conceptual plans for park centers and key tourism areas