Fullerton Transportation Center

Location: Fullerton, California, USA

Client: JMI Realty, Reylenn Development & Fullerton Redevelopment Agency

The Fullerton Transportation Center Specific Plan (FTCSP) is a sustainable community plan that establishes a visionary legislative framework for a 35-acres site in the City’s Downtown. The purpose of the plan is to create a sustainable, transit-oriented neighborhood adjacent to the Fullerton train station, which serves 3,000 passengers daily. The goal is to create a vibrant new mixed-use district in Downtown Fullerton. The plan includes transit-oriented housing and commercial development along with provisions for pedestrian, bicycle, bus, and automobile access. JMI Realty and Reylenn Development partnered with the City in this Public-Private-Partnership (P3).

The FTCSP departs from traditional planning by utilizing a “form-based code,” which better addresses the unique character of this high-density pedestrian-oriented district. The project area will incorporate sustainable residential and mixed-use buildings that comply with LEED principles; pedestrian-oriented streets; LID infrastructure; a central plaza for community events; neighborhood parks; interactive paseos and alleys; enhanced pedestrian and bicycle connections; a centralized public parking structure; a shared-parking management plan and a bike-n-ride facility. Regulations and development standards focus on methods of achieving quantifiable results that enhance State and community goals, such as increased affordable housing, a reduction in automobile use, historic preservation, and water conservation. Alternative development concepts were prepared as part of a public engagement process with multiple workshops. Community feedback was incorporated into the final Master Plan that served as the basis for the Specific Plan.


Transit-oriented & Mixed-use District Master Planning, Community Workshops


1,000 units Residential, 140,000 sq. ft. retail, 56,000 sq. ft. office, 120-key hotel, 40,000 sq. ft. museum, public parks, and open space

Site Area

35 acres

Sustainability Metrics

State of California Catalyst Gold Project

Completion Date


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