Aetna-Luciana Preserve

Location: Pope Valley, California, USA

Client: Robert Radovan and Bill Criswell

Stewardship of history, culture, and the land is central to the Aetna-Luciana Preserve—one whose aim is maintaining the rural setting and lifestyle for which the area has become well-known. Johnson Fain prepared design guidelines for the Aetna-Luciana Preserve, a residential and golf resort to be built on the site of the historic Aetna Springs Resort, originally built in the 1870s. The guidelines establish an important emphasis on the natural environment, by guiding residential design and related buildings, and site improvements whichever deferential to the agrarian landscape and natural surroundings.

The guidelines are clearly stated about careful siting, responsive buildings, and harmonious landscapes without mandating strict adherence to a single architectural style, all in order to maintain a timeless sense of place. These guidelines aim to protect the unique quality of the natural and built landscape at Aetna-Luciana Preserve, and they apply to all new home-site development including buildings, building additions, services, site work, and landscaping. They include an overview of the visions and values for the Aetna-Luciana Preserve, annotated maps of major categorical zones and important general site conditions, parcel/home-site guidelines, and maps, and outline the protocol for the design review process. The goal of these guidelines is to ensure that Aetna-Luciana Preserve remains as beautiful today as in future years, ahead.


Design guidelines for residential and golf resort, visioning, and architectural services to restore Aetna Springs as a premier resort.


Residential and golf resort, new 8,800 square foot golf clubhouse.

Site Area

650 acres

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