Boeing Douglas Park

Location: Long Beach, California, USA

Client: Boeing Realty Corporation

Located five miles north of downtown Long Beach, the Douglas Park project comprises approximately 261 acres of the former historic Boeing aircraft production facility. The project was designed as a new master planned mixed-use community of single family and multifamily residences, hotel, office, retail, commercial, and industrial/aviation-related uses. Johnson Fain collaborated closely with staff of the City of Long Beach Planning Department in the development of Design Standards and Guidelines, which are incorporated in the City’s zoning code as a Planned Development (PD-32) and are used in the implementation of this unique redevelopment project.

The design standards and guidelines translate the master plan principles and goals into a user-friendly framework for implementing residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects that will be Douglas Park. These principles address transforming the site’s outdated and obsolete aircraft manufacturing facility into a vibrant new community with pedestrian friendly streets and public spaces.  The plan draws upon the best elements of traditional Long Beach and also the contemporary realities of business, retailing, and modern lifestyles. The use of the standards and guidelines help establish a distinct image for the new community and provide the framework for an orderly implementation.


Planned Development (PD-32) Design Standards and Guidelines


New master planned community with uses including single family and multifamily residential, hotel, office, retail, industrial/ aviation-related, and mixed-use zones

Site Area

261 acres


  • 2006, American Planning Association, Los Angeles Section, Planning Project Award

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