YMCA Piers

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Client: YMCA San Francisco and Mills Development Corporation

The historic piers of San Francisco are both iconic to the city and unique in their redevelopment potential. Piers 27, 29 and 31, located a half mile from the famous Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39, are among the underutilized assets, with the potential for providing increased access and new uses for the waterfront. At the public hearing before the San Francisco Port Authority to choose between two master plan proposals for the piers’ re-use, there was an outpouring of support for the inclusion of the YMCA. Support came from many neighborhoods of the city of all ages and races and swayed the Port Commissioners to award the project, despite an aggressively promoted submission from the competitor that had lobbied heavily in the neighboring community.

The dramatic transformation of that waterfront from predominantly light industry to mixed-use, office and commercial opens the doors to the Bay. The redevelopment plan proposed a new recreational mixed-use project in partnership with the YMCA, providing a unique opportunity to bring a diverse community to the water’s edge with recreational activities in the true spirit of San Francisco. Active and passive recreation is programmed throughout the project in both indoors and outdoors. A range of unique open space environments are created by the plan, grouped into three major zones. A new cross-axial promenade is proposed as part of the overall circulation network. The promenade spans the entire project along the inner edge of the pier basins linking the Marine Center to the Northeast Wharf Plaza.


Urban Waterfront Master Planning, Architecture, Public Engagement


Maritime-related office, recreational enterprises, retail, restaurants and cafes, sports courts, maritime and outdoor oriented public open space

Site Area

23 acres

Completion Date


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