Solano County Public Health Clinic & Forensics Laboratory

Location: Fairfield, California, USA

Client: County of Solano

The project is a new 30,000 square foot building to house a public health clinic and forensics laboratory. It was designed to County specifications as a durable, efficient, and environmentally responsible building that is architecturally compatible with the adjacent County campus. Existing streets, adjacent parcels and existing parking areas were designed around the Vallejo campus to improve traffic circulation, provide additional parking, and upgrade site landscaping, lighting, and security. Johnson Fain’s scope of services included site planning, development of architectural program for multiple County departments, building design, development of construction documents including design standards and guidelines, and performing construction administration to represent the owner’s interests during the design-build process.


Architectural Design


New 30,000 square foot public health clinic and forensic laboratory

Completion Date


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