Solano County Health & Social Services Building

Location: Vallejo, California, USA

Client: County of Solano

The County of Solano, General Services Department commissioned Johnson Fain to provide planning and design for two new projects in the County. The Health and Social Services Building includes a new 3-story medical office building totaling 58,000 square feet as well as the renovation of the nearby current 62,000 square foot facility. Johnson Fain’s scope of services included code analysis of existing building systems to determine required/desired upgrades, development of an architectural program for multiple building users, preparation of design documents to support phased construction, acting as the County’s representative during the bid phase, and performing construction administration. The new facility received LEED Silver certification.


Architectural Design


  • New 3-story, 58,000 square foot medical office building
  • Renovation of 62,000 square foot facility

Sustainable Metrics

LEED Silver

Completion Date


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