Category: News

Project 8th & Figueroa Breaking Ground

Johnson Fain’s 8th and Figueroa 42-story highrise is featured on an article from Urbanize. The project can be seen taking shape as construction continues.

Veterans Affairs Campus Master Plan Wins AIA|CA Urban Design Award

Veterans Affairs Campus Master Plan is the winner of the AIA|CA Urban Design Awards. Adopted by VA in January 2016, the Master Plan Framework is the first comprehensive master plan for the site since the land was donated in 1888 and is a step toward repositioning the property as originally intended, as a home for Veterans.

Teaching Design Technology

Design technology is fully integrated at Johnson Fain as all design team members have a hands-on knowledge of the software, hardware and workflow systems. Mark Owen, Director of Technology, along with leadership of the firm are continuously and strategically pushing the technology program to ensure innovation, creativity, and efficiency throughout the project duration. Integrated technologies […]

Luxury Residential Tower Wins International Property Awards

Luxury Residential Tower in Taichung City, Taiwan, two 41-story luxury residential towers designed by Johnson Fain, is the winner of International Property Awards. View additional images and read more about these luxury residential towers

Union Station to Dodger Stadium Gondola in the News

Johnson Fain is pleased to be a leader of the design team providing planning and architectural services for the proposed gondola linking Dodger Stadium to Union Station. Our firm is located near Elysian Park and supports this innovative zero-emission solution to improve the “last mile” transit experience for visitors.

Veterans Affairs Campus Master Plan Wins APA CA Urban Design of Excellence Award

Veterans Affairs Campus Master Plan is the winner of the APA CA Urban Design of Excellence Awards. The Draft Master Plan for the West Los Angeles VA Campus is a framework that will guide VA in determining and implementing the most effective use of the campus for Veterans, particularly for homeless Veterans, including underserved populations such as female Veterans, aging Veterans, and those who are severely physically or mentally disabled.

Culver City Transit Oriented Development Visioning Study Wins APA CA Transportation Planning Award of Merit

Culver City Transit Oriented Development Visioning Study and Recommendations, designed by Johnson Fain, is the winner of APA CA Transportation Planning Award of Merit. The Visioning Study focused on the future of mobility in Culver City around the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) District with the Expo Station at its core, exploring linkages with Downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Unlock your Vision

Creative endeavors begin with great friendships. Discover how Johnson Fain can work with your group to translate an idea into an award-winning, community engaging environment.