Gulin District and River Corridors (Chinese Whiskey Valley)

Location: Luzhou, Sichuan, China

Client: Gulin District Municipal Government

Planning to ensure the compatibility of natural resources with economic development is a persistent balancing act in China’s growing economy. In a remote location in south-central China, in a setting of deep, steep-sided valleys of unique natural beauty and exceptional water quality, the 1500-year-old Chinese whiskey industry exemplifies the conflict – and symbiotic relationship – between economic growth and resource preservation. The exceptional water purity is attributed to the vast natural filtering karst limestone formations in the area; however, the recent discovery of high-quality coal within these formations puts that water quality at risk.

The new regional plan undertaken specifically protects the major watersheds essential to whiskey production, including the growing of sorghum fields, sorghum fermentation and distillation. Many of these same provisions also protect the scenic places and corridors important for the future eco-tourism anticipated as the region becomes more accessible. The plan recognizes that smart water management is critical to future population growth particularly as Gulin City, in the heart of the valley, and smaller towns are expanded. The plan limits coal mining to low-impact locations and water runoff and debris and containment methods are proposed. Strategic goals and recommendations for long-term, mid-term and immediate development include land resources management guidelines, limited and concentrated urban growth areas that include a New Town with a high-performance business center, a center for higher education, a primary medical center, a service center for the tourism industry, multi-modal transportation systems, and regional environmental guidelines for preservation and sustainability.


Strategic Master Plan, Resource Panning


Regional Planning; Watershed and Water Resources Protection; Tourism Plan; Planning of New Town and Existing Village Centers; Design Guidelines

Site Area

787,000 acres

Completion Date


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