Junipero Serra State Office Building

Location: Los Angeles, California

Client: State of California

The rehabilitation of the 533,000 square foot former Broadway Department Store converted the structure for use as a consolidated state office building. The building is a “contributing element” to the nationally registered Broadway Theater and Commercial District. The original design is typical of early 20th Century commercial architecture with a window system based on the historic Chicago School. The original structure dates from 1914 with a major addition in 1924 and minor additions in 1929 and 1932. The Broadway Department Store functioned in its original use until 1973.

The State Office Building preserves and restores the building’s historic exterior and important interior features, including the lobby, staircase, and windows, while bringing the building into compliance with current building codes. The project provides approximately 320,000 square feet of usable office space, plus ground floor pedestrian-serving retail and two subterranean parking levels for state vehicles, van-pools and the handicapped. More than 1,000 employees are housed in the refurbished structure. Interior components include private and open plan office space, multiple conference rooms, court rooms, multi-purpose room and cafeteria.


Architectural Design


  • Rehabilitation and Conversion of 533,000 square foot Broadway Department Store into State office building
  • 320,000 square feet of usable office space, ground floor retail
  • Original structure built in 1914
  • Major addition in 1924 and minor additions in 1929 and 1932
  • The Broadway Department Store functioned in its original use until 1973


  • 2000, Gold Nugget Award of Merit, Rehabilitation
  • 2000, Los Angeles Conservancy, Preservation Award
  • 2000, California Preservation Foundation, Preservation Design Award
  • 1999, So. Cal. Development Forum, Outstanding Achievement Award

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